Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wow I'm really bad at blogging!

I think I am not so good at blogging, lol. Here I am for my six month check in haha. Here is a picture of me now. I still want to lose a lot more, but at least i'm making progress:)

Anyway, I have lost a bit of weight around 15 pounds I think ( it was closer to 20 but gained some back, bad me!!) I was doing really good on my low carb diet for a long time, then I got bored of the same old foods. Now I've had my, um... little break and am ready to blaze ahead on to weight loss again. Wish me luck, the first two weeks are that hardest, but after that is over it's pretty easy. I'm going to continue with the low carb thing, it works best for me.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Still here

I'm really excited because in the last 3-4 weeks I have lost about 12 pounds. Oh yeah, I quit weight watchers online (actually I only did it for like a week before I got bored of it) I'm doing a low carb diet right now and it has worked wonders. I haven't had so many salads in a long time. I love subway salad with chicken and bacon with their cipote (spelling?) dressing. Yum.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Still going!

I just don't like blogging all that much so I have a hard time getting motivated to write anything. I have been doing Taekwondo for the last 3 weeks and it has made a significant difference, I really love taekwondo it is so much fun with the added benefit of getting in shape.

Monday, June 28, 2010

I Just started weightwatchers online today, so far so good:)

Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 16

Well, lets just pretend that it is Day 16, because I have no idea what day it should be and I really just need to pick up where I left off. Thanks Eimi, your comment pulled me back and made me remember that I need to keep going (I was really not doing very good) I have been a bit stressed out and felt like giving up. Here I am, I need to be healthy. I have to keep going and push myself. It sure helps when other people keep me in line:)

Today I will not overeat, I will not eat junk food/candy/unhealthy stuff. I will exercise for at least 30 min, even if it is just a lite walk.

I think what kind of made me crash was that I was pushing myself too hard with the exercise thing. Yes, exercise is very important, but I think I need to start out a little easier instead of expecting myself to be able to do all the things I used to do when I was in shape. It is frustrating but I think that if I start out smaller, it will be more effective in the long run. Not that I'm wimping out or anything, I just don't want to crash and give up because it feels too hard.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 15

Okay, well here's the thing, I was bad, I didn't exercise yesterday and I ate WAY too much birthday cake, bad me:( That was yesterday, and now I will turn from my wicked ways and return to goodness (well that may be a bit much, but I got my point across, I hope).
Now I am going to do good. It is almost tomorrow so I can't really post my goals for today, but I did go on a nice long walk and I feel refreshed and ready to start again. I feel that some days can be really challenging but I am not going to quit, I will keep pushing my way through and eventually I will get through to my goal. As long as I keep going, everything will work its way out.

I'm not sure if I am making any sense, I'm kind of tired. So here I go to another day. Here's to tomorrow:)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 14

I'm back. Yesterday was Bryan and my 14th anniversary so I obviously wasn't planning on sticking to my regimen especially when we went to a buffet for dinner (at the PCC, it was good:)) Now I am back and ready to go, however it is Lily's birthday today, so I will be having a slice of cake. Other than that I will be eating healthy and not overeating, and I will not eat any junk food other that the birthday thing. I will exercise at least 30 minutes (even though I REALLY don't want to, man now I have to).